
The Best Video Game Easter Eggs and Hidden Gems

  • Siobhan Murphy
  • Jan 25, 2024
  • 380
The Best Video Game Easter Eggs and Hidden Gems

Video games are a medium rich with detail, nuance, and secrets. Over the years, developers have hidden countless Easter eggs and surprises within their games, waiting for curious players to uncover them. In this article, we dive into some of the most clever, amusing, and awe-inspiring Easter eggs and hidden gems scattered throughout the gaming world.

The Secret Room in Adventure (Atari 2600)

Considered the first-ever video game Easter Egg, the secret room in the 1980s Adventure for the Atari 2600 was created by programmer Warren Robinett. By finding an invisible dot and bringing it to a certain location, players could access a room that displayed the message "Created by Warren Robinett," serving as a silent signature from the game's creator.

Atari 2600

The Chris Houlihan Room in The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

In The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, there exists a secret room named after Chris Houlihan, a fan who won a Nintendo Power magazine contest. This room, filled with rupees and a plaque bearing his name, has become one of the most famous Easter eggs in gaming history.

The Dinosaur in Battlefield 4

Battlefield 4 took Easter eggs to a new level with its massive, roaring T-Rex Easter egg. Triggered by specific player actions on the Rogue Transmission map, this Easter egg was a spectacular nod to community jokes about the lack of dinosaurs in modern shooters.

Battlefield 4

The Cake Recipe in Portal

The iconic phrase "The cake is a lie" from Portal has its own Easter egg. Hidden within the game are murals written by a previous test subject, detailing a seemingly innocuous cake recipe that adds a sinister layer to the game's narrative.

Psycho Mantis Reads Your Mind in Metal Gear Solid

In Metal Gear Solid, the boss fight against Psycho Mantis includes a moment where he "reads the player's mind" by commenting on their Konami game save files. This innovative use of fourth-wall-breaking mechanics astounded players and remains a memorable moment in gaming.

The Whispering Eggs in Hellblade: Senuas Sacrifice

Hellblade: Senuas Sacrifice includes hidden runes that, when focused on, playback developer diaries and insights into the creation of the game. These "whispering eggs" provide a unique and intimate look into the creative process behind this critically acclaimed title.

The Secret Cow Level in Diablo II

After persistent rumors about a secret cow level in the original Diablo, Blizzard Entertainment made it a reality in Diablo II. Accessed by combining certain items in the game, this level is filled with killer cows and has become a legendary part of the franchise's lore.

The Hidden Developer Island in Just Cause 2

In an expansive game like Just Cause 2, it is easy to overlook the small details, but flying to a specific, remote location reveals a hidden island that houses the names of the game developers, a playful nod to those who created this vast open-world adventure.

Island in Just Cause 2

Playing as Master Hand in Super Smash Bros. Melee

Through a complex series of actions in Super Smash Bros. Melee, players can fulfill the ultimate fan dream of playing as Master Hand, the game's final boss. This hidden feature turned myth into reality and showcased the developer's dedication to their community.

The Tiny Details in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is celebrated for its depth and detail, but some of the finest Easter eggs lie in its tiniest details—such as a message in a bottle from Tyrion Lannister of Game of Thrones, found imprisoned in a sky cell.

The Minus World in Super Mario Bros.

The infamous Minus World in Super Mario Bros. is a glitched, unbeatable level accessed through a specific sequence near the end of World 1-2. This unintentional "feature" has fascinated players for decades with its surreal, looping underwater stage.

Resident Evil 2s Film "D"

In Resident Evil 2, players can develop Film "D" to reveal a photo of developer team members posing as zombies. This fun Easter egg not only provides comic relief in a tense environment but also immortalizes the creators within their own creations.

From hidden messages and secret rooms to developer cameos and beyond, video games are a treasure trove of Easter eggs and hidden gems. These secrets not only add depth and replay value to our favorite games but also forge a unique connection between developers and their audiences, capturing the playful spirit at the heart of gaming.

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